Seminar on Updated BNDA Standards
Updated Time: 2022-12-08 06:32:48
A seminar on the update of BNDA standards was held successfully on 08th December 2022 virtually on "Boithok" Platform. Ranajit Kumar, Executive Director (Additional Secretary) was present at the seminar as chief guest and attended the seminar from the very beginning up to the concluding session. He delivered his valuable speech to the audience emphasizing the establishment of BNDA Standards among organizations and proper utilization of updated standards so that we can go toward a smart Bangladesh as per government vision-2041. Tarique M Baraktullah, Director of National Data Center, anchored the seminar and enlightened the audience about the future of of BNDA and ephasize on it's usage. Representatives of 25+ divisions of Bangladesh Government and BASIS member companies participated in the workshop. The audience was very interactive during the Q & A session. Joint Secretary Md. Shaiful Islam from cabinet division was very much enthusuasitc about the standards of BNDA and participated in the seminar with lots of questions. We also saw enthusiasm from other attendees regarding BNDA and it's impelmentation.